The Biden Department of Education (DoE) has weaponized the student aid process to force students to choose state-run or traditional private colleges and universities instead of career colleges, even if career colleges are the best fit for the student.

Historically, parents, fulltime workers, minorities, veterans, and first-generation college students tend to choose career colleges in much higher proportions than traditional college-age students from middle or upper-class families. The Biden Administration has now undertaken several steps that are putting working-class students at a disadvantage by unfairly targeting career colleges. This penalization of working-class students is a direct result of Richard Cordray’s vendetta against career colleges.

The report below will show that Richard Cordray, former head of a partisan Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, has taken the Department of Education’s Federal Student Aid office from an objective protector of students to a partisan shop pursuing a witch hunt against an industry Cordray personally opposes.

Read the Full Report

The Leftist Takeover of Biden's DoE

President Biden plans to dramatically increased the DOE’s FSA office of Enforcement Budget by 600% to target career college students.
Richard Cordray’s tenure as CFPB director was called “disastrous,” “left of Lenin, “neglect of duty” – and now President Biden has appointed him head of the Department of Education Financial Aid office.
Despite the fact that only 9% of students attend for-profit colleges, according to the latest data, 100% of all the FSA Enforcement Office investigations are targeting career colleges.
Richard Cordray’s office colludes with 85% of Democrat State Attorneys General but only 20% of Republican AGs.

What You Need to Know

April 11, 2023

1. Biden is Going Big on Cordray’s Attacks

President Biden is putting massive new spending next to curtailing access to career colleges. His 2024 budget request for the Student Financial Aid Office of Enforcement released in March is dramatically increasing the enforcement budget. At $26.5 million, the new…
April 11, 2023

2. Cordray Brings the Controversial Obama Era CFPB Model to Student Loans

Richard Cordray has grafted into the Office of Enforcement from his tenure at the CFPB a sue and harass model where he uses the heft of the federal government and its allies to bring disfavored industries to heel. Documents obtained…
April 11, 2023

3. Personnel is Policy – Cordray Hires Ideological Warriors to Lead the Student Loan Office

Anyone who has been in Washington knows that ultimately personnel is policy – who you hire is just as, if not more, important than – what you hire them to do. The zealousness and conviction of your team will determine…
April 11, 2023

4. Cordray Enlists Democrat State AGs; Conservatives Need Not Apply

Cordray has deputized liberal Attorneys General into his fight in a partisan matter that excludes moderate and conservative AGs and has worked with left-wing AGs to weaponize their offices to help prosecute his fight against career colleges. Cordray understands that…
April 11, 2023

The Full Report

The Biden Department of Education (DoE) has weaponized the student aid process to force students to choose state-run or traditional private colleges and universities instead of career colleges, even if career colleges are the best fit for the student. Historically,…